One Word 2025
It’s a brand-new year and I thought I’d start 2025 with basically the same simple tip I used as the first post of 2024.
If you were following me from the beginning of 2024, you may remember my “One Word” post on January 9, 2024.
Several years back, I started picking a Word Of The Year (WOTY) to help me focus on what I want to accomplish. And it works oh so much better than a resolution!
Having a WOTY is a great way to set your intentions and theme for the New Year, or any other life event for that matter. Use your WOTY to help guide your plans for moving towards what you hope 2025 will bring.
Sometimes it’s hard to imagine how much impact a single word can have in our lives.
The Newsboys released a song in 2013 “One Word” that had a significant impact on me. I’d encourage you to give it a listen. It could help you appreciate how much just one word can mean.
New Year New Word
Note: I created the layout above based on my WOTY. You can find the details about this layout in my 2025 Gallery.
As you may have already guessed, my word for this year is RENEWAL. I have chosen the word renewal because this year I want a change that will create positive growth. I won’t just think about this word…I will embody it; bring it to life in my life. I want to become the human, physical representation of that word in the world. I won’t just think about renewal, I will be renewal.
I know that may sound silly but embodiment is taking something ephemeral and conceptual and making it physical and perceptible. An idea you’d only thought about in the past becomes something that you and others can see, feel, hear, touch, smell, or taste. When you embody it, your word is something that another person can see that you are BEING.
Embodiment is the necessary leap your word has to take to go from your mind to your life.
For me, after all of 2024’s messy chaos it’s time to revel in the glory of renewal. As much as this word inspires, there is also an undertone of uncertainty and frailty that accompanies this word. It implies replacing or repairing something that is worn out, run-down, or broken – or the state or process of being made spiritually new in the Holy Spirit. How sure can I be that a renewal will actually take place?
My plan for this new year is to focus on practices like: cultivating gratitude, transforming some habits, taking time for self-reflection, setting realistic expectations, continuing to improve my physical health, exploring new experiences; essentially, making conscious choices to renew, re-energize and revitalize different aspects of my life.
Have you set a one-word goal for this year? If you haven’t chosen a WOTY yet, then you might want to pick one. I’d like to encourage you to pick a word that will bolster at least one goal you have in mind for 2025 or maybe even just your creativity. Be sure to pick a word that really speaks to what you hope to feel, change or accomplish.
The first step to creating anything you want is to identify your self-awareness and specific intention(s). A WOTY will set you in the right direction by bringing more awareness to your intention(s).
Picking Your Word
I don’t know about you but I love the idea of choosing a WOTY vs. making a New Year’s Resolution because it helps bring intention, focus, and clarity to what I want to create in my life.
Struggling to pick a word? No worries, I’m here to help you along the way! I’ve come up with a process that helps me choose my word each year and today I’m sharing five easy steps with you.
Step #1 – Reflect
The first thing I want you to do is to reflect on this past year and ask yourself these questions. Jot down whatever pops into your head without self-editing.
- What could I use more of in my life?
- What could I use less of in my life?
- What characteristics would I like to have?
- By the end of the day, I feel (fill in the blank).
- How do I want to feel?
Once you review your responses, you’ll have a better sense of the direction you’d like to go, or what you feel may be lacking in your life.
Step #2 – Visualize
Visualize what the perfect day would feel like, the emphasis here is “Feel”. Think about how you want your morning routine to feel, how you want to feel at work or throughout the day, and how you want to feel right before you go to bed.
I recommend sitting in silence for a couple of minutes and asking yourself “What word do I want to focus on in 2025?”. This is simple but effective.
I think this step works best when you’re in a relaxed state. If you’re having trouble maybe try it before you go to sleep or first thing in the morning. You could also put some calming music on in the background. You’d be amazed how being still can help your intuition shine through, and bring your word clearly to the forefront.
Step #3 – Create A List
Spend several minutes (at least 10-15) creating a list of the words that came to mind, again…no self-editing! Still stuck? Here are some examples to get you started, but your word can be anything you want it to be:
Step #4 – Review & Refine
Review your list and try to narrow it down to your three favorite words and circle or highlight them.
Chances are you’ll see a theme going on between the words you wrote down. Do any of the words jump out at you, make you feel excited, nervous, scared, uncomfortable, or at ease? Sometimes the words that scare us most can mean we’re on the right track because change isn’t always easy. At the same time, I think finding your word can actually bring peace and empowerment.
Think about the words, try them on, and see what feels right. No need to over-analyze this process, trust your gut instead. Gently review your list and let the words pick you.
Step #5 – Ask Yourself A Very Important Question
Are you interested in your word, or are you committed?
If you’re merely “interested” then chances are you’ll make excuses as to why you’re not putting forth the effort to actually make changes. But if you’re “Committed” to your word, you’ll do whatever it takes to implement that word and bring more of it into your life.
If necessary, allow yourself a day or two, even a week to really think about this.
Choose the word you want to improve upon or learn more about. The word will guide you throughout the year and even if you forget about it from time to time, subconsciously you’ll discover resources or tools to bring it into your life more than the year before.
If you want, you can also refer back to my “One Word” post from 2024 for some additional tips.
New Year Challenge
Once you’ve picked your word. I have a little challenge for you. Create a layout or even a Facebook cover image using your word. Feel free to use my Renewal layout (above) as inspiration.
When you’ve finished picking your word, I’d LOVE to know what your WOTY is and why you chose it. Leave it and/or your layout or a Facebook cover image here in the comments section to share it with our community. “Speaking” it into the Universe is a beautiful way to get things flowing.
You never know…your word just might inspire others!
Some Final Thoughts About One Word
I truly believe that choosing a WOTY can be one of the most powerful things you can do in terms of goal setting and personal growth.
Use your word as a mantra or affirmation during part of your daily planning and thought process.
Don’t forget to jot down your word in your calendar, planner, or journal. I generally use my word as the cover photo on my personal Facebook Page.
Write your word on a post-it note and stick it on your bathroom mirror, computer, or anywhere else you’ll see it regularly. Choosing a word for an entire year can allow you to create space for life to be, well, LIFE!
A WOTY, has a way of following you, growing with you, and evolving with you. If you allow it to, a WOTY can make a real difference in your life!
Over the years, my WOTY has been a dear companion to me. I stepped into brave new things because of my word, I’ve learned to really appreciate who I am through my WOTY, I started taking time for myself because of my word…the list goes on and on!
Back to my WOTY…There is hope in renewal. That power can impact the outcome. Even when things seem difficult or lost, the possibility of starting fresh or making positive changes brings a sense of optimism and the belief that things can improve.
Thanks for reading this week’s Tuesday Tip. Remember, if you have any suggestions or questions please don’t hesitate to “Message Me“. I’ll be back next week with some more crafting tips for you! Click “Follow Me” to stay in touch. I hope you have a wonderful week!