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Modern Gesso

Modern Gesso

Exactly what the heck Is Gesso? Gesso is one of those words that seems to stop beginner digital artists in their tracks. It leaves many people wondering how to use it, or if there’s even a need to use it at all. Historically, gesso (pronounced ‘jesso‘) was made for oil painting and was traditionally used to prepare or prime a surface so oil paint would adhere to it. It is made from a combination of paint pigment, chalk and binder….

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Filters On Elements!

Filters On Elements!

I took a bit of a break from all the filter talk in last week’s post. I hope you had some fun playing with the Pop Art effect. I only used one Photoshop Elements (PSE) filter last week…an Adjustment filter. This week I’m going back to some of the same concepts I used last month with paper. Only today I’m going to be showing you how to use filters on elements. Back in April I posted about Blending Elements and…

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What’s A Warhol?

What’s A Warhol?

If you were born after the 70s you may not be at all familiar with Andy Warhol’s art. Andy Warhol is probably the most famous figure in Pop Art. In fact, one art critic once called Warhol “the nearest thing to a philosophical genius the history of art has produced”. Warhol was a leading figure in the Pop Art movement and is considered one of the most important American artists of the second half of the 20th century. In the…

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Need Old Paper?

Need Old Paper?

Just a quick note before I begin. For those of you who live here in the United States, I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day holiday weekend. God Bless the USA! Now back to the paper question. Sometimes finding the perfect vintage paper background for your project can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it can be hard to know which one is right for your project. Thankfully, there are a few tips and tricks you…

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Paper Whisperer

Paper Whisperer

Before I get into the meat of this post I have a story I want to share. Once upon a time in a shop far, far away there once was a customer who worked “magic” with paper. Seriously, all kidding aside…back when the original Your Scrapping Café was still around, we had a Cricut Expression. At the time it was one of the most innovative personal-use die-cutting machines on the market. It used cartridges – no computer or internet required….

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