It’s Independence Day

It’s Independence Day

If you’re not from the United States you may not be aware of the holiday today. Unless perhaps if you’re from Great Britain 😉

This is the day we celebrate the legal separation of the thirteen original colonies from Great Britain in 1776. Most people (some even in the US) are under the impression that this was the end of our fight for freedom. In truth, this declaration occurred during the American Revolutionary War.

The conflict actually began in April 1775 with the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World”. The war was only formalized and intensified following our 1776 declaration that the thirteen colonies were “free and independent states”. It wasn’t until September 1783 when Congress announced the achievement of peace with independence.

So, there’s a little history lesson for you as the United States of America celebrates our Declaration of Independence.

You can read more information about Independence Day or the Revolutionary War by clicking either topic.

No Tip This Week

No Tip This Week

Most of the US celebrates this day by hosting or attending a picnic or barbecue; many take advantage of the day off and, in some years, a long weekend to gather with relatives or friends. Parades are often held in the morning, before family get-togethers, and fireworks displays occur in the evening after dark often accompanied by patriotic songs. Needless to say, I don’t expect too many people in the US to be reading my blog today 😊

So, please join me next week for the regular Tuesday Tip! And may we all embrace Peter Marshall’s sentiments…

Freedom - Do What Is Right

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