Meaningful Holidays

Meaningful Holidays

Take a moment to clarify your priorities around the holidays. Being intentional about how you show up this season can help relieve some of the pressures associated with holiday expectations.


If you’re not sure how to narrow your priorities or set intentions this year, it may be helpful to ask yourself the following questions.

  • What are the most important traditions or rituals I want to honor this year?
  • Who do I want to spend meaningful time with?
  • What do I want to make time for during my time off?
  • How do I want to feel (e.g., relaxed, active, busy, etc.) and how can I help make that happen?
  • What expectations do I want to let go of this year?

Getting clarity on these aspects of the holidays can help you be more selective about how you spend your time and energy. For instance, if you want to prioritize time with your extended family, you may need to shift your focus away from other tasks, like decorating or tidying. This will allow you to spend more time and energy being fully present with your loved ones.

Wishful Mindset

Wishful Mindset

I’m guessing you made a Christmas list or two as a child. Have you made one recently?

As I was running errands the other day, I was listening to Christmas music in the car. Mostly it was just pleasant background noise. But while stopped at a traffic light the timeless and beautiful song, “Grown-Up Christmas List” caught my attention. Yes, this is another song done by Amy Grant. Her version always makes me break out in song right along with her and is my favorite version. I’ve heard it a bazillion times over the years, but for some reason, I paused and listened as if I was hearing it for the very first time.

The words were fresh to my ears and traveled straight to my heart. About a Christmas list, not a personal list, but one for a world in need. Our world surely seems to be in great need these days, right? For lives to not be torn apart, and for wars to never begin. For hearts to be healed by time, and for each person to have a friend. For right to always win and for love without end.

So beautiful. So lovely. My mind pictured for a moment how splendid life like this could be.

Just click the image below to take a listen for yourself…

Grown-Up Christmas List

My List

My eyes became all watery as I sat at that traffic light and mentally made my list.

My List
  • Healing for all (especially those I love) who are fighting disease, infection, or illness.
  • God’s protection and provision for my family, near and afar.
  • A better, safer, kinder world for my grandchildren.
  • God’s peace and comfort for those grieving the death of loved ones.
  • Our country to turn back to its roots of “one nation under God.”
  • God’s care of those struggling to provide for their families.
  • That those who are looking for hope this season, to find it in Jesus.

Even as I write this post, I find myself teary-eyed once again.

Each Christmas children’s hopes are filled with Santa bringing them what is on their list. Realistically, they hope for it all, but would likely be happy with just one or two of the gifts. It is thrilling to find out what has been left for them under the tree.

Amy’s song went on to say how the most beautiful sight to us as children was a present underneath the tree. Yet, how heaven knows those gifts under the tree cannot heal a hurting soul. No, they can’t. But God can! As adults our focus often switches from the wrapped gifts under the tree to the gifts that have to do with real life. The ones that can’t be purchased in a store or brought by Santa on Christmas Eve.

Can We Make A Grown-Up List?

I haven’t made a traditional Christmas list for years, but what if you and I did so this year? I guess I already have done that with the list above! But please won’t you join me in making a list?

Instead of making it to Santa, what if we gave it to the One who can handle our grown-up Christmas lists? The One who is the author of Christmas in the first place? A list that we can take straight to our Father and boldly ask for each item on it because we can’t handle any of it on our own.

You know, God hears our prayers and He answers them according to His plans and purposes. If He gives us what our hearts desire, that will be incredible. If He doesn’t, however, we can trust He has something so much better planned.

Some Final Thoughts

A New List

So, what’s on your grown-up Christmas list? Why not jot down a few things that are coming to mind now? Then give your list to God. Nothing is too big or small for Him. If you care to share your list below (or part of it), I’ll be offering it up to God with you.

Prioritize the events that you are most excited about, and give yourself permission to say no to the rest. Allowing yourself space to rest, decompress and tend to your needs between occasions can help make the next few weeks feel more manageable.

And more than just a Merry Christmas, I’m wishing you a Christmas to believe in. Where the moments turn to memories. And years from now you’ll close your eyes and see them. More than just another busy season. I’m wishing you a Christmas to believe in.

Thanks for reading this week’s Tuesday Tip. Keep an eye out for what I may have in store for you next week. Click “Follow Me” to stay in touch. I hope you have a wonderful week!

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