Memory Keeping

Memory Keeping

Whew…we’re in the homestretch now. Christmas will be here in 6 days. Today I want to focus your attention on the importance of making & keeping memories.

Memories are a very important part of our lives and make us who we are. However, they can also be quite fickle and fleeting. Even the memories of big events (like Christmas) can deteriorate over time if not tended to properly. This is why it’s so important to preserve your memories.

Heirloom Photo

Without preserving your memories, even the most important moments in your life will begin to fade over time. Luckily, between photo albums, scrapbooks and time capsules, there are plenty of wonderful ways to preserve your most precious memories for all eternity. There’s a well written article by Jori Hamilton from 2021 all about the importance of “Preserving Memories Through Photography”. I encourage you to take a few moments to read this article.

Preserving your memories means that future generations will be able to look back on your life with the same fondness and intrigue that you have when remembering your own ancestors. However, your future generations will likely have an easier time of it than you did. Rather than looking through old photographs and outdated film reels, your future generations might be able to reminisce over your life with the simple click of a button.

Preserve Your Memories

At the end of the day, the biggest reason why it’s important to preserve your memories boils down to one simple statement: memories matter. They remind us that we are all human and are all connected, even if only in the littlest ways.

Photographs and videos allow us to look back on all the most special occasions in our lives. Not only the large events that necessitate fanfare and celebration, such as weddings, graduations, birthdays, and anniversaries, but the little moments of wonder as well.

Life is full of ordinary joys, but these everyday wonders are often overlooked and forgotten as quickly as they come. Preserving these moments, even the instances that you may not think require a backward glance, assures future generations that every moment can be special and every moment is worth living. What would life be if not for the little everyday joys, after all?

Importance Of Memories

Magic Of A Memory

It is said that our existence is simply a collection of memories. Without memories or the ability to remember, what is the significance of life and what is our identity? Without memories, we would be hollow shells like those strewn across the beach — an empty house that was once home to love, passion, character, and experiences.

In the digital age, our memories of people are stored and broadcast in real-time over multiple platforms across the internet. This allows not only us but others, to reflect back on memories as we please. Looking back on my own blog galleries and social media archives, I see the multiple versions of myself, the many chapters of my life.

Today’s, memories can take the form of not only recollections in your brain, but as digital media: photos, scrapbooks, videos, texts, and audio files. Memories, regardless of their form are often all we have left when our loved ones leave us. This is why preserving our memories is vital.

Make Time For Memory Making

Making Memories This Christmas

Memories are important because they allow us to learn from the past, to grow, and to develop our personality and character over the years. Memories allow us to cherish other people around us, and our time with them while they are still present in our lives. Memories are important because they’re our legacy when we pass on to the next life; a legacy that will be carried on by future generations, so that they may learn the lessons we’ve learned in our lifetime. A memory is an invaluable heirloom.

Be sure to be intentional about making as many memories as possible this holiday season. Not just for the kids but for yourself. Savor all of the moments with loved ones; the wonder and excitement on a child’s face or the profound joy of a grandparent holding a new grandchild. Treasure these times. We never know when that moment will be the last we have with them.

Some Final Thoughts

Value Of A Moment

Our memories are precious and can be a source of joy, humor, and comfort. They help us relate to each other and give our lives meaning. Relationships with our surroundings, fellow humans, and even ourselves are rooted in our memories. Without being able to reflect upon our past, we cannot learn and evolve.

Unfortunately, as we age our memories often start to slip away or become less clear. I cannot stress enough the importance of preserving memories for not only you but so future generations can cherish them forever.

And we shouldn’t take the importance of remembering for granted: those with dementia remind us of that. Oftentimes, seeing and hearing the past documented in scrapbooks, on video or in an audio snippet jogs the memories of those suffering with memory loss. This helps them remember loved ones or fond memories, bringing them joy even if only for a fleeting moment.

Make & keep wonderful memories this Christmas and always.

Thanks for reading this week’s Tuesday Tip. Keep an eye out for what I’ll have for you next week. Click “Follow Me” to stay in touch. I hope you have a wonderful week!

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